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Online Counseling


Are you troubled and seeking some counseling on Family, Business, or Mental Health matters or just wished to talk to someone? We are ever ready to listen. 

Make an appointment with us by clicking on the button below and fill out a form. 



Ven H. Hemaloka Thera

1. Family & Mental Health Counsellor

Ven H. Hemaloka Thera, Resident Sangha and Adviser, obtained his Masters in Education and Masters in Business Administration from Olympia College Kuala Lumpur, and since his graduation, has volunteered his services and skills as the resident spiritual adviser and teacher at Ti-Ratana Welfare Society, Sukha Dhamma School and Ti-Ratana Lumbini Garden. Ven Hemaloka also conducts meditation workshops for the students at Sukha Dhamma School.

Ven Hemaloka provides physical, moral, and spiritual support to senior residents, children and teens at the Ti-Ratana Welfare Society Desa Petaling Welfare Homes. He manages the daily spiritual programmes at the centre, organizes events and workshops for the children, helping them to find happiness in their hearts. By his example, he shows us how to practically and joyfully integrate Buddha's teachings into our daily lives. He is an inspiring example for all of at Sukha Dhamma School.

Brother Lawrence Ang

2. Business Counsellor

Brother Lawrence Ang started his career as a Software Developer and has held various Corporate Management positions including Sales & Marketing, Customer Support & Management and eventually becoming the Group Managing Director of 8 global offices covering 25 countries - supporting Service Industries like Hospitality, Financial, FMCG, Retail, Telcos and SME.

With his entrepreneurial leadership, he teamed up with Mitsui & Co Malaysia, Singapore & Japan to form a Mobile Wireless Software Company to develop & launch the first commercially-available Mobile App on Nokia & Ericsson mobile devices for Telcos in Asia.

Lawrence Ang is mentoring Technopreneurs in the area of Software Development, IP Protection, Product Commercialization, Talent Recruitment & Retention, Funding, Customer Satisfaction and Sales & Marketing across the Asia Pacific Region.

With a passion to serve the needy & the under-privileged, Lawrence Ang has served as a Lions Club President, as President of Ti-Ratana Centre Bangsar, as Chairman of the MC for Strata Title Management & as Member of Board of Management of the KL Lions Renal Centre.

He holds a B.Sc (First Class Honours) in Computer Science from the University of Greenwich in England, United Kingdom.

Brother Gabriel Choong

3. Business Counsellor

Brother Gabriel Choong is an experienced Chartered Accountant with more than twenty years of C-Suite management experience gained in various industries including business consultancy, construction and property, mining, manufacturing and logistic. Competent in assisting companies with initial public offering ("IPO") on stock exchange, stock exchange compliance management, merger and acquisition, investment analysis, feasibility studies, legal and commercial risks management, and effective management of finance, accounting and human resources functions. With strong corporate management ability, decisiveness, responsiveness and adaptability to challenging corporate environment.

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